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Chapter 21: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 21

Instruction Set Principles Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

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Instruction Set Principles Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: Big Endian byte order putting the byte having address "x . . . x000" at the

A) least significant position
B) middle significant position
C) registry
D) most significant position

MCQ 22: Width of an object like a double-word will be having a size of

A) 2 bytes
B) 4 bytes
C) 7 bytes
D) 8 bytes

MCQ 23: Whenever a memory location is used, then the actual memory address specified through the addressing mode is called the

A) servers
B) effective address
C) immediate address
D) registry

MCQ 24: Regs[R4] = Regs[R4]+ Regs[R3]; the given statement represents the

A) register addressing mode
B) immediate addressing mode
C) effective addressing mode
D) register indirect addressing mode

MCQ 25: Modern compiler technology with its ability to effectively using larger numbers of

A) memory
B) registers
C) stack
D) queue

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