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Introduction to Interconnection Networks MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Introduction to Interconnection Networks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Introduction to Interconnection Networks MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Architecture Tests. Learn Interconnection Networks Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Introduction to Interconnection Networks quiz answers PDF for online master computer science. The Introduction to Interconnection Networks MCQ App Download: Free learning app for memory hierarchy review, network routing, arbitration and switching, introduction to interconnection networks test prep for computer majors.

The MCQ: Paths that have an unbounded number of allowed non-minimal hops from packet sources, this situation is referred to as; "Introduction to Interconnection Networks" App Download (Free) with answers: Unblocking; Blocking; Live lock; Deadlock; for online master computer science. Practice Introduction to Interconnection Networks Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for master's degree in computer science.

Introduction to Interconnection Networks MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Interconnection networks are also called

  1. coMMUnication subnets
  2. coMMUnication subsystems
  3. cellular telecoMMUnication
  4. both a and b
MCQ 2:

Paths that have an unbounded number of allowed non-minimal hops from packet sources, this situation is referred to as

  1. unblocking
  2. blocking
  3. live lock
  4. deadlock
MCQ 3:

Hardware solutions for the synonym problems, are called

  1. aliasing
  2. anti-aliasing
  3. hit rate
  4. miss rate
MCQ 4:

The set of corresponding tracks on all surfaces of a stack of disks form a

  1. cluster
  2. cylinder
  3. window
  4. areal density
MCQ 5:

The time required between moving an instruction one step down the pipeline is a

  1. clock cycle
  2. hit rate
  3. cycle rate
  4. processor cycle

Computer Architecture Practice Tests

Introduction to Interconnection Networks Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

The App: Introduction to Interconnection Networks MCQs App to study Introduction to Interconnection Networks Textbook, Computer Architecture MCQ App, and Computer Networks MCQ App. The "Introduction to Interconnection Networks" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Introduction to Interconnection Networks App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Interconnection Networks App (Android & iOS)

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