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Windows Operating Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Windows Operating Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Windows Operating Systems MCQ PDF Book) to learn online c++ degree courses. Study Introduction to Programming Languages Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Windows Operating Systems quiz answers PDF to learn online training courses. Free learning app: Windows Operating Systems MCQ App Download & e-Book for java script programming language, structured programming, unified modeling language, assembly language test prep for top computer science schools.

The MCQ: Operating system which consists of a graphical user interface built on top of DOS is termed as; "Windows Operating Systems" App Download (Free) with answers windows, linux, android and apple to learn online training courses. Practice windows operating systems quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for computer science associate degree.

Windows Operating Systems MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Operating system which consists of a graphical user interface built on top of DOS is termed as

A) Windows
B) Linux
C) Android
D) Apple

MCQ 2: Proprietary Operating System includes

A) Windows
B) Linux
C) Android
D) Apple

MCQ 3: Apple Macintosh operating systems were originally developed by

A) Xeror PARC
B) Xerox PARC
C) Xero PARC
D) Xrox PARC

MCQ 4: Proprietary operating system means that it's controlled by

A) multiple companies
B) one company
C) two companies
D) user itself

C++ Practice Tests

Windows Operating Systems Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Windows Operating Systems MCQs App to learn Windows Operating Systems MCQ, C++ Learning App, and Microelectronics MCQs Apps. Free "Windows Operating Systems" App to download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Windows Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)

Windows Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (Android & iOS)

Microelectronics App (Android & iOS)

Microelectronics App (Android & iOS)

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General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)