BBA: Finance Courses

Chapter 18: MBA Cost Accounting Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting MCQs - Chapter 18

Flexible Budget and Management Control MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

Free Flexible Budget and Management Control Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Flexible Budget and Management Control MCQ PDF Book), test 2 to learn online MBA Cost Accounting Course. Solve Flexible Budget: Cost Accounting Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Flexible Budget and Management Control quiz with answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free educational app: Flexible Budget and Management Control MCQ App Download & e-Book for career test for best online colleges for business administration.

The MCQ: If the static budget is $208000 and the flexible budget amount is $305000, then the sales budget variance will be; "Flexible Budget and Management Control" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers $97,000, $67,000, $57,000 and $47,000 to learn online training courses. Practice flexible budget: cost accounting quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for online bachelor's degree in business management.

Flexible Budget & Management Control Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: If the static budget is $208000 and the flexible budget amount is $305000, then the sales budget variance will be

A) $67,000
B) $97,000
C) $57,000
D) $47,000

MCQ 7: The subtracted flexible budget amount can form an actual result to calculate

A) unstated budget variance
B) flexible budget variance
C) constant budget variance
D) static budget variance

MCQ 8: If the sales budget variance for operating income is $68000 and the static budget amount is $19000, then flexible budget amount will be

A) $47,000
B) $57,000
C) $87,000
D) $97,000

MCQ 9: The sales budget variance is subtracted from flexible budget amount to calculate

A) static budget amount
B) unstated amount
C) constant amount
D) variable amount

MCQ 10: If the flexible budget amount is $62000 and an actual result is $35000, then the flexible budget amount would be

A) $27,000
B) $37,000
C) $97,000
D) $87,000

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Flexible Budget & Management Control App (Android & iOS)

Flexible Budget & Management Control App (Android & iOS)

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