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College Biology Practice Test 263

History of Kingdom Protoctista Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 263

Free History of Kingdom Protoctista Quiz Questions and Answers, history of kingdom protoctista Quiz MCQs PDF, chapter 14-263 to study online biology degree programs. Study Kingdom Protoctista MCQ Questions PDF, history of kingdom protoctista Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: History of Kingdom Protoctista Trivia App Download & e-Book for history of kingdom protoctista, osmoregulation, enzyme action rate, endocrine, importance of bacteria test prep for online schools that offer certificate programs.

The Quiz: Margulies and Schwartz have introduced a new strategy of classification to accommodate all the protists by listing how many phyla; "History of Kingdom Protoctista" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers 20, 27, 15 and 30 to study e-learning courses. Practice kingdom protoctista questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for best two year degrees.

History of Kingdom Protoctista Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 263

MCQ 1311: Margulies and Schwartz have introduced a new strategy of classification to accommodate all the protists by listing how many phyla?

A) 27
B) 20
C) 15
D) 30

MCQ 1312: The specialized salt excreting organs are

A) mammary glands
B) secretory glands
C) anorectal glands
D) rectal glands

MCQ 1313: Inhibitors blocking the active site by making covalent bonds are specifically known as

A) reversible inhibitors
B) irreversible inhibitor
C) competitive inhibitors
D) non-competitive inhibitors

MCQ 1314: The endocrine system consists of how many glands?

A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25

MCQ 1315: Chemical substances which act as an inhibitor for the growth of microorganisms are called

A) antibodies
B) antiseptics
C) antibiotics
D) anti inflammatory

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

History of Kingdom Protoctista Learning App & Free Study Apps

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History of Kingdom Protoctista App (Android & iOS)

History of Kingdom Protoctista App (Android & iOS)

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