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Chapter 18: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 18

Transport Biology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 6

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Transport Biology Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 6

MCQ 26: A complex of interactions of reactions involving elements and molecules constitutes a

A) bacteria
B) virus
C) living organism
D) dead plants

MCQ 27: The serum which contains antibodies is called

A) antigens
B) antiserum
C) antibodies
D) globulin

MCQ 28: The exchange of gases in leaves is accelerated by the wet surfaces of

A) root
B) stem
C) bark
D) leaf

MCQ 29: Oxygenated blood is never received by the heart of

A) frog
B) fish
C) reptiles
D) arthropods

MCQ 30: Blood is sometimes retained in the heart or lungs due to malfunctioning activity of heart-pumping which can lead to fatal condition is called

A) Angina attack
B) Heart failure
C) Cardiac arrest
D) Congestive heart failure

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Transport Biology App (Android & iOS)

Transport Biology App (Android & iOS)

College Biology App (Android & iOS)

College Biology App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

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