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Chapter 13: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 13

Kingdom Prokaryotae Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

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The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Thick-walled, enlarged vegetative cells which accumulate food are called as; "Kingdom Prokaryotae" App Download (Free) with answers akinetes, cytokinesis, endokinetes and exokinetes to study e-learning courses. Solve nostoc quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges that offer certificate programs.

Kingdom Prokaryotae Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: The thick-walled, enlarged vegetative cells which accumulate food are called as

A) cytokinesis
B) Akinetes
C) endokinetes
D) exokinetes

MCQ 22: Microorganisms could cause disease, was proved by

A) Robert Hook
B) Herbert Copeland
C) Louis Pasteur
D) John hogg

MCQ 23: Many bacteria contain additional molecules which are very helpful in modern genetic engineering techniques, they are circular and self-replicating and called as

A) ribosomes
B) spores
C) plasmids
D) mesosome

MCQ 24: A thick rigid spiral is called

A) Vibrio
B) Spirrilum
C) spirochete
D) Baccili

MCQ 25: The definite but changeable shape is given to ciliates by its outer covering called a

A) cell wall
B) pedicle
C) pellicle
D) cell membrane

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