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Chapter 11: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 11

Kingdom Animalia Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 31

Free Kingdom Animalia Quiz Questions, Kingdom Animalia quiz answers PDF, test 31 to learn online College Biology Course. Practice Grade Bilateria MCQs, Kingdom Animalia MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Kingdom Animalia Quiz App Download & e-Book for introduction to kingdom animalia, sponges career test for online colleges that offer certificate programs.

The Quiz: Red blood cells of mammals are; "Kingdom Animalia" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers di-nucleated, mono-nucleated, non-nucleated and nucleated to study distance learning courses. Study grade bilateria quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for colleges that offer certificate programs.

Kingdom Animalia Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 31

MCQ 151: The red blood cells of mammals are

A) mono-nucleated
B) di-nucleated
C) non-nucleated
D) nucleated

MCQ 152: The presence of bony brain in chordates is called as

A) chordates
B) notochord
C) tunicates
D) craniates

MCQ 153: In America, roads are made by using tar mixed with shells of

A) snail
B) turtle
C) oyster
D) sea anemone

MCQ 154: All the biologists believe that virtually, all the animals have been evolved from

A) protoctist
B) bryophytes
C) monera
D) porifera

MCQ 155: The body of sponges contain special out layer made up of cells called

A) spongecytes
B) cytes
C) cnidocytes
D) pinaocytes

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Kingdom Animalia App (Android & iOS)

Kingdom Animalia App (Android & iOS)

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