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Chapter 9: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 9

Grade 11 Biology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

Free Grade 11 Biology Quiz Questions, Grade 11 Biology quiz answers PDF, test 3 to learn online College Biology Course. Practice Study of Biology MCQs, Grade 11 Biology MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Grade 11 Biology Quiz App Download & e-Book for living world, levels of biological organization career test for online degree programs.

The Quiz: A walnut tree can be saved from the attack of aphid biologically by a parasite; "Grade 11 Biology" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers bee, wasp, leech and lice to study e-learning courses. Study study of biology quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges for science.

Grade 11 Biology Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: A walnut tree can be saved from the attack of aphid biologically by a parasite

A) wasp
B) bee
C) leech
D) lice

MCQ 12: A synthesized knowledge of science may have observations which can be qualitative and

A) deductive
B) inductive
C) quantitative
D) exact

MCQ 13: A change in evolution gives rise to the increase in

A) biodiversity
B) population
C) community
D) geological periods

MCQ 14: A group of similar individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature is called

A) community
B) population
C) groups
D) species

MCQ 15: Any theory is considered a good theory if it leads to further hypothesis and is known as

A) productive hypothesis
B) generative hypothesis
C) nil hypothesis
D) multiple hypothesis

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Grade 11 Biology App (Android & iOS)

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