College Online Courses

Chapter 7: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 7

Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

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Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: Nervous spasm, convulsion, and psychotic delusion is a result of swallowing ergot-contaminated flour, this disease is known as

  1. histoplasmosis
  2. ergotism
  3. monogolism
  4. plasmolysis

MCQ 32: If a tiny outgrown bud detach and grow individually on its own by asymmetric division, this is called

  1. binary fission
  2. grafting
  3. budding
  4. multiple fission

MCQ 33: Shelf fungus parasitize trees, are important decomposers of

  1. wood
  2. leaves
  3. bark
  4. roots

MCQ 34: A transient diploid zygote is formed as a result of a reproduction called

  1. sexual
  2. asexual
  3. conjugation
  4. semi sexual

MCQ 35: The fusion of nuclei in fungi is

  1. karyogamy
  2. progamy
  3. microgamy
  4. all of above

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Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom App (Android & iOS)

Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom App (Android & iOS)

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