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Chapter 7: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 7

Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

Free Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Quiz Questions, Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom quiz answers PDF, test 3 to learn online College Biology Course. Practice Fungus Body MCQs, Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Quiz App Download & e-Book for nutrition in fungi, classification of fungi career test for GRE prep classes.

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Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: A single mycelium is capable of producing new hyphae in only one day which is up to a

A) kilometer
B) meter
C) micrometer
D) decimeter

MCQ 12: Special hyphal tips which absorb nutrients from the host in parasitic fungi are called

A) rhizoids
B) haustoria
C) mycelium
D) typhal

MCQ 13: Rhizopus black bread mold undergoes sexual reproduction and produce

A) Ascospores
B) spores
C) zygospores
D) basidiospores

MCQ 14: Fungi can tolerate a range of PH from 2 to

A) 9
B) 8
C) 6
D) 7

MCQ 15: The storage of food as lipids or glycogen in fungi is done by mycelium

A) mycelium
B) hyphae
C) rhizoids
D) mucor

Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom App (Android & iOS)

Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom App (Android & iOS)

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