College Online Courses

Chapter 1: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 1

Bioenergetics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Bioenergetics Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The chlorophyll which is found in photosynthetic bacteria is known as

  1. bacteriphylls
  2. bacteriochlorophylls
  3. bacteriophtosynthetic
  4. bacteriophage

MCQ 17: Thylakoid membrane produces ATP by the process of

  1. photosynthesis
  2. chemiosmosis
  3. chemosynthesis
  4. respiration

MCQ 18: The process of photosynthesis cannot occur in the absence of

  1. oxygen
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. carbon monoxide
  4. nitrogen

MCQ 19: The enzyme which catalyzes the reaction of the Calvin cycle is known as

  1. phosphatase
  2. catalase
  3. rubisco
  4. amylase

MCQ 20: The leaves are the major sites for the presence of

  1. lamina
  2. branches
  3. chloroplast
  4. centriole

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Bioenergetics App (Android & iOS)

Bioenergetics App (Android & iOS)

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College Biology App (Android & iOS)

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