BBA: Marketing Courses

Chapter 1: Principles of Marketing Exam Tests

Principles of Marketing MCQs - Chapter 1

Analyzing Marketing Environment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Analyzing Marketing Environment Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The strategy of launching new product in new market is known as

A) Market penetration
B) Product development
C) Market development
D) Diversification

MCQ 17: The process which involves controlling, implementing and planning the materials and final goods to meet final customer at high profits is classified as

A) exclusive distribution
B) exclusive dealing
C) physical distribution
D) supply chain management

MCQ 18: The kind of advantage gained by offering greater value to customers as compared to competitors is classified as

A) competitive advantage
B) corporate advantage
C) branding advantage
D) premium advantage

MCQ 19: The Company whose strategies are based on the idea of delivering superior brand value to its targeted segment is classified as

A) competitor centered company
B) customer centered company
C) profit centered company
D) market centered company

MCQ 20: The independent service provider of logistics who can do all the functions required by clients is classified as

A) public held logistic provider
B) privately held logistic provider
C) Third party logistics provider
D) single part logistics provider

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Analyzing Marketing Environment App (Android & iOS)

Analyzing Marketing Environment App (Android & iOS)

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