BBA Management Degree Courses

Chapter 8: BBA Human Resource Management Exam Tests

BBA Human Resource Management MCQs - Chapter 8

Introduction: Human Resource Management Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Introduction Human Resource Management Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Introduction Human Resource Management Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-3 to learn BBA Human Resource Management Course. Practice What is HRM and why it is important MCQs, Introduction Human Resource Management MCQ questions and answers PDF for online bachelor's degree in business. The Introduction Human Resource Management Quiz App Download: Free learning app for high performance work systems, hr managers duties career test for online bachelor's degree in business management.

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Introduction Human Resource Management Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 3

MCQ 11:

The crucial functions for company's survival is managed by

  1. financial manager
  2. staff manager
  3. line manager
  4. both A and B
MCQ 12:

A company can create 'superior-subordinate' relationship through

  1. line authority
  2. hiring authority
  3. staff authority
  4. all of above
MCQ 13:

High performance work system leads to

  1. superior employee performance
  2. low labor costs
  3. safer workplaces
  4. less employee turnover rate
MCQ 14:

A job analyst's task is to

  1. prepare job description
  2. integrate development activities
  3. develop compensation plans
  4. advise management
MCQ 15:

Recruiting employees, selecting right one for job and giving them training leads to

  1. organizing
  2. controlling
  3. Staffing
  4. Leading

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Introduction Human Resource Management App (Android & iOS)

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