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Externality and Market Efficiency MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 74

The e-Book Externality and Market Efficiency Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Externality and Market Efficiency MCQs PDF download, test 74 to learn free Economics online courses. Study Externalities MCQ Questions PDF, externality and market efficiency Test for online courses. The Externality & Market Efficiency MCQs App Download: Free educational app for supply curve, economies of scale and international trade, measurement of inequality, what are costs?, externality and market efficiency test prep for online college classes.

The MCQs: Act of internalizing the externality is to reduce the burden of those who are affected by; "Externality & Market Efficiency" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers embargo, positive externality, tariff and negative externality to learn online schools courses. Practice externalities questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online business administration degree.

Externality & Market Efficiency Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 74

MCQ 366: The act of internalizing the externality is to reduce the burden of those who are affected by

  1. positive externality
  2. embargo
  3. tariff
  4. negative externality

MCQ 367: The overall measure of all sources of a company's income, including its sales, for a given period of time is known as

  1. implicit cost
  2. explicit cost
  3. total profit
  4. total revenue

MCQ 368: The type of income where the consumer spends which at a level consistent with their expected long term average income is called as

  1. transitory income
  2. permanent income
  3. life cycle hypothesis income
  4. total income

MCQ 369: The type of good that experiences an increase in quantity demanded as the real income of an individual or economy rises is known as

  1. inferior good
  2. luxurious good
  3. bad good
  4. normal good

MCQ 370: Quantity supplied and prices of a commodity are when drawn on a graph gives you a picture of

  1. supply curve
  2. IS-LM curve
  3. demand curve
  4. isoquant

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