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Economics Practice Test 40

Import Quota Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 40

The e-Book Import Quota MCQ Questions and Answers, import quota MCQs with answers PDF download, test 40 to study free Economics online courses. Solve Non Tariff Barriers and New Protectionism Quiz Answers PDF, import quota Test for online learning. The Import Quota MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for externality and market efficiency, partial equilibrium analysis, micro vs. macro economics, economies of scale and international trade, import quota test prep for online classes business administration.

The MCQ Quiz: An activity that is being done to restrict the numbers or monetary values of the goods imported and exported during a specific time-period is known as; "Import Quota" App APK Download (Free) with answers taxes, tariff, quota and embargo for online business management degrees. Study non tariff barriers and new protectionism questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges for business administration.

Import Quota Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 40

MCQ 196: An activity that is being done to restrict the numbers or monetary values of the goods imported and exported during a specific time-period is known as

  1. tariff
  2. taxes
  3. quota
  4. embargo

MCQ 197: Sometime it's more affordable to purchase a good from companies with than it is to produce the good internally is possible only with

  1. outreaching
  2. off shoring
  3. outsourcing
  4. international trade

MCQ 198: Economics which is based on facts and also close to accuracy is known as

  1. positive economics
  2. normative eco
  3. macroeconomics
  4. microeconomics

MCQ 199: A tariff that is levied as a fixed charge per units of imports is known as

  1. specific tariff
  2. ad valorem tariff
  3. import tariff
  4. export tariff

MCQ 200: A cost that is suffered by a third party as a result of an economic transaction is known as

  1. negative externality
  2. externality
  3. public good
  4. positive externality

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Import Quota App (Android & iOS)

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