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Electric Potential Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 88

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The MCQ: Shark's organ for detection of electric field is named as; "Electric Potential" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Ampullae of lorenzini; Amplitude of lorenzini; Lorenzini; Ampullae; for best ACT prep courses online. Practice Electrostatic Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online college courses.

Electric Potential MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 88

MCQ 436:

Shark's organ for detection of electric field is named as

  1. amplitude of lorenzini
  2. ampullae of lorenzini
  3. lorenzini
  4. ampullae
MCQ 437:

Living creature that turns itself into the living battery is

  1. star fish
  2. shark
  3. eel
  4. octopus
MCQ 438:

Negative sign of equation of self-induction shows that

  1. deduce EMF
  2. it maintains the change
  3. it opposes the change
  4. induced EMF
MCQ 439:

System International unit of electric flux is

  1. NM²C-1
  2. NM²C
  3. NM1C-1
  4. M²C-1
MCQ 440:

To make the range of voltmeter increase, Rh is

  1. decreased
  2. increased
  3. unchanged
  4. remain same

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Electric Potential Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Electric Potential App (Android & iOS)

Electric Potential App (Android & iOS)

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