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Human Diversity Certification Exam Tests

Human Diversity Practice Test 173

Reciprocity Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 173

Free Reciprocity Quiz Questions and Answers, reciprocity quiz with answers PDF, test 173 to study online Human Diversity degree courses. Practice Distribution, Exchange Trivia Questions PDF, reciprocity Test for online classes. Free learning app: Reciprocity Quiz App Download & e-Book for ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and human rights, urban anthropology, reciprocity test prep to learn distance learning courses.

The Quiz: In economic anthropology, one way to reducing the tention in situations of potential negative reciprocity is to engage in; "Reciprocity " App Download (Free) with answers silent trade, open market trade, give and take for online college courses. Solve distribution, exchange questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for online colleges.

Reciprocity Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 173

MCQ 861: In economic anthropology, one way to reducing the tention in situations of potential negative reciprocity is to engage in

A) Open market trade
B) Silent trade
C) Give and take
D) None of the above

MCQ 862: What does the suffix "lith" refer to (as in Neolithic Age)?

A) Early tools
B) Copper
C) Iron
D) Stone

MCQ 863: The processes, including diffusion and acculturation, working to promote change in a world in which nations and people are increasingly interlinked and mutually dependent is called

A) Civilization
B) Capitalism
C) Globlization
D) None of the above

MCQ 864: The most extreme, coerciv abusive, and inhumane form of legalized inequality people are treated as property

A) Poor
B) Law income
C) Slavery
D) None of the above

MCQ 865: Gramsci shifted the focus of Marxist analysis through which of the following ideas?

A) Hegemony is a product of the lack of class conflict
B) That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and
C) Tribes and clan conflict
D) None of the options given are correct

Mock Tests: General Knowledge Course Prep

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Reciprocity App (Android & iOS)

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