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Human Diversity Practice Test 103

Language Thought and Culture Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 103

Free Language Thought and Culture Trivia Questions and Answers, language thought and culture Quiz MCQs PDF, chapter -103 to study online Human Diversity degree courses. Study Language and Communication MCQ Questions PDF, language thought and culture Test for online courses. Free learning app: Language Thought and Culture Trivia App Download & e-Book for evolution of ethnography, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and human rights, kinds of religion, cultural transmission of arts, language, thought and culture test prep to learn online degree courses.

The Quiz: Anthropologists said that a languages developing out of the same parent language for example french and German are called; "Language Thought and Culture" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers daughter language, sister language, language and brother language for online college courses. Practice language and communication questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for free online courses.

Language Thought and Culture Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 103

MCQ 511: Anthropologists said that a languages developing out of the same parent language for example french and German are called

A) Sister language
B) Daughter language
C) Language
D) Brother language

MCQ 512: According to anthropologists in many societies, myth, legends, tales, and the art of storytelling play important roles in the transmission of culture and

A) Language
B) Tradition
C) Fine arts
D) Ceremony

MCQ 513: According to anthropologists part-time specialists occasional community sponsored events, including rites of passage is called

A) Communal
B) Religious leader
C) Priest
D) None of the above

MCQ 514: Mechanism of cultural change, is the exchange of cultural features that results when groups have different culture is called

A) Assamilation
B) Acculturation
C) Globlization
D) Migration

MCQ 515: Anthropologists now recognize that the ethnographic present is

A) Realistic
B) Unrealistic
C) Unfeasible
D) Impractical

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