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Human Diversity Practice Test 68

French Colonialism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 68

The e-Book French Colonialism MCQ Questions and Answers, french colonialism MCQs with answers PDF download, test 68 to study free Human Diversity online courses. Solve Colonialism and Development Quiz Answers PDF, french colonialism Test for online learning. The French Colonialism MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for lineages, clans and residence rules, reciprocity, french colonialism test prep to learn online certification courses.

The MCQ Quiz: According to the writer as a result of early exploration by the Spanish, they claimed land in what areas; "French Colonialism " App APK Download (Free) with answers areas of montreal and quebec, central and south america, part of the islands, such as barbados and areas of north america for colleges that offer certificate programs. Study colonialism and development questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accredited online degree programs.

French Colonialism Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 68

MCQ 336: According to the writer as a result of early exploration by the Spanish, they claimed land in what areas?

  1. Central and South America
  2. Areas of Montreal and Quebec
  3. Part of the islands, such as Barbados
  4. Areas of North America

MCQ 337: In economic anthropology, the concept of reciprocity was given by

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Kroeber
  3. Franz Boas
  4. Karl polanyi

MCQ 338: In kinship anthropology a nuclear family established when one marries and has children is called

  1. Family of network
  2. Family of procreation
  3. Family marriage
  4. All of the above

MCQ 339: In anthropology when the key enviromental force determining how human bodies will grow and develop by cultural traditions , physical activities' are called

  1. Human biology
  2. Human culture
  3. Human science
  4. Human Zoology

MCQ 340: In kinship anthropology relatives by marriage, whether of lineals or collaterals is called

  1. Affection
  2. Assimilation
  3. Descent
  4. Affinals

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