A Level Courses

Chapter 20: IGCSE A Level Chemistry Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 20

Nitrogen and Sulfur MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 6

Free Nitrogen and Sulfur Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Nitrogen and Sulfur MCQ PDF Book), test 6 to learn online IGCSE A Level Chemistry Course. Solve Sulfuric Acid and Properties Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Nitrogen and Sulfur quiz answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free educational app: Nitrogen and Sulfur MCQ App Download & e-Book for sulfuric acid and properties, uses of sulfuric acid, nitrogen and gas properties, ammonia and ammonium compounds career test for free online college classes.

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Nitrogen and Sulfur Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 6

MCQ 26: Sulfur can be mined from the ground and the states exporting it around the world are

A) Poland and America
B) China and India
C) America and England
D) Brazil and Poland

MCQ 27: The conversion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to sulfur trioxide (SO3) is basically

A) reversible reaction
B) irreversible reaction
C) dynamic reaction
D) static reaction

MCQ 28: The reactive effects of oxygen gas can be nullified by the help of

A) nitrogen
B) hydrogen
C) helium
D) boron

MCQ 29: The last stage of production of ammonia is condensed and collected in state of

A) solid
B) liquid
C) gas
D) vapor

MCQ 30: The scrubbers acts against unconverted SO2 and

A) neutralize it
B) accelerate it
C) recycle it
D) none of above

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Nitrogen and Sulfur App (Android & iOS)

Nitrogen and Sulfur App (Android & iOS)

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